Saturday, 8 March 2014

Amazing smoothie for vitality and good health - Celery, Cucumber and Pear

1 cucumber; 3 celery sticks; 1 1/2 pear; 6 Kale leaves; Makes about 20oz (I would suggest using organic ingredients for optimum health benefits, and for a little extra zing, add one organic granny smith apple peeled.)

Ten Steps to Zen...

10 to Zen - 1. Let go of comparing. 2. Let go of competing. 3. Let go of judgments. 4. Let go of anger. 5. Let go of regrets. 6. Let go of worrying. 7. Let go of blame. 8. Let go of guilt. 9. Let go of fear. 10. Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (esp. if it's about your inability to let go of any or all of the above).

Reasons to eat fruit...

How different fruits heal and regenerate your body...

The healing properties of food

Discover the healing properties of plant foods and which are high in antioxidants...